On March 2, 2024, at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade, the Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding took place to enhance friendship and strengthen the cooperation between the Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry and Trade (HUIT) and the National University of Kaohsiung (NUK).

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding aimed at enhancing friendship and strengthening the cooperative relationship between HUIT and NUK.

In the opening speech of the signing ceremony, Vice President Thai Doan Thanh expressed joy at the opportunity to meet and collaborate for development. He hoped that the collaboration between the two universities would bring about numerous development opportunities for both sides, particularly in enhancing the quality of education in language, information technology, and semiconductor technology. Additionally, he emphasized the expansion of research programs and the development of human resources in Vietnam.

Vice President Thai Doan Thanh delivered a speech at the ceremony.

Mr. Hsing Hao Wu, Dean of the Office of International Affairs at the NUK, was honored to have the opportunity to work and collaborate between the two universities, developing training programs for learners. The NUK looks forward to cooperating with the HUIT in areas related to human resources development and creating values that contribute to society.

Mr. Hsing Hao Wu, Dean of Office of International Affairs at the NUK

Both parties have spent time working and discussing together towards future collaborations in training programs, and officially signed a memorandum of understanding, aiming to strengthen cooperation in education, teaching, student and faculty exchange, as well as fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in mutually interested fields.

Both parties at the signing ceremony

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation has taken place successfully. Through this, it affirms and expands the strong collaborative relationship between the HUIT and the NUK in the field of education. It is hoped that in the future, the two universities will achieve impressive accomplishments during their collaboration.